Your Story

Can Be An Inspiration

If you have EXPERIENCED SOCIAL ANXIETY or have been in a similar situation, you can share your stories with us. We're sure your story can be inspiring and encouraging to others who suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder.

How It Works

Post Your Story To Your Social Media

Select Pixels From Pixel Board

Upload Image

Link Your Post

Pixel Board

1. Click and Drag to choose your pixels

2. Upload your image.

3. Link your post.


The Story Behind It

As a medical student suffering from Social Anxiety disorder (SAD), I was constantly surrounded by doctors, nurses, and other medical students all day in hospitals. Developing Red Face symptoms (bright red facial blushing and profuse sweating) nearly every day was really embarrassing and difficult to deal with. Symptoms got even worse when doctors would draw attention to my red, moist face. Snarky, discouraging comments were consistently being made about me amongst the doctors and students. It was depressing being talked about and humiliated like that.

Mean comments about me were never any fun, but more discouraging than that was the fact that not even one of those doctors recognized I was suffering from Social Anxiety Disorder. Even the psychiatrists during my psychiatry rotation couldn’t recognize it on me. You believe that? Medical and mental health professionals could not recognize a mental health disorder in one of their own students!

This is when I realized how little is known about SAD and how easy it is to overlook it as a legitimate disorder. They all thought that I was “just a nervous person”,
when in reality, SAD conquered me in almost all social settings. This experience is what led to the creation of Social Anxiety Pixels.

The ultimate goal of Social Anxiety Pixels is to create awareness of SAD by building a beautiful collage of social media profiles, each one linking to its own unique social anxiety story. While suffering from a mental health disorder, it becomes very helpful to know that you’re not alone. Although not everyone has SAD, we’ve all had SAD-like moments. If you’ve had an embarrassing social moment in your life, post your story to your social media and upload it to our social anxiety pixel board. This beautiful collage of people coming together and sharing their stories will help empower SAD sufferers to get through their tough times.

Read More
Story Behind Social Anxiety

FAQs about Contributing Users

How long will my pixels be kept?

As long as your social media account remains active and is consistently being posted to, your chosen pixels will be yours forever. This website is to be actively maintained with updated information and resources for SAD sufferers, and we request your social media to be maintained as well.

Which social media accounts should I post my story to?

The choice is yours. We love them all! Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, or Youtube would all be a great choices.

Do pixels cost anything?

You can choose to upload your social media to 1 pixel block, which equals 100 pixels. This is completely free and doesn't cost a dime. Or if you choose to have a larger presence on the grid, you can upload to multiple blocks which costs $100 per block. Either way, you're super awesome and super appreciated for posting 🙂

If I post and link my story to the pixel board, can I change the link to a new story later on?

Yes, you can. Sometimes there are more compelling or even inspiring stories that may occur later in life. And that is part of living. The experience of new experiences is always worth sharing. Feel free to send a message using the Contact link on this page and we can change the link for you. We got you!

Purchase Pixels

Upload Image

You must choose image dimension 500*1700 and Accepted

file types: jpeg, png, jpg, gif, Max. file size: 12 MB.

Select payment Method (Required) All Transactions are secure and encrypted

And More...

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Pixel Boxes: 80

Total Price: $8.40
